I spend a lot of time SSHed into remote machines for work. After getting a couple machines hacked because I stupidly used short passwords, I started locking down my machines with the following mechanism and disabling username/password authentication.
Read MoreAs you can see from the recent inactivity on my blog, I have had a hard time publishing content recently. It has not been for a lack blog worthy content, but how amazingly not fun blogging was on my old platform. I spent a lot of time on my old website, making the theme perfect, adding all the features I thought I needed, etc… I used it quite a bit for a while, but the writing experience always felt strained. It turns out that I hate WYSIWYG editors and would much prefer to just write my content in markdown files. This led me the awesome Hugo software which I am using now. For more info on my current setup, check my Hugo on gh-pages post.
Read MoreTraditional web hosting and web application frameworks have become a bit of an annoyance for me. If you use Wordpress or Drupal you likely can sympathize with the never ending stream of updates and such. Many of them actually make your site less stable. Then there is the problem of keeping your site backed up in case your cheap hosting provider accidentally deletes all your work. Well no more…
I am now managing the content of this website in static markdown files compiled with hugo and then hosted for free using gh-pages. This is how I did it…
Read MoreI have been using this technique to customize different types of third party projects for years. I originally wrote about it back in 2009 in this popular post regarding the management of customizations on top of the ever changing Drupal code base. That post is very long winded and overly technical for most people, this post will serve as an abridged version covering only the branching concept.
Read MoreA Wordpress site has deprecated and you want to redirect all of its traffic to a landing page on a new site. However, you want to explain why the site has been deprecated in the context of the old site.
Read MoreInstructions to create a simple node.js app called node_app
and then upload and run it on cloudfoundry.com.
In order to use cloudfoundry.com, you need to sign up and have your account approved. Do that now because approval does not happen immediately.
Read MoreOn the 1and1 business accounts you can now use Git via SSH. Here is how…
Setup your master FTP password (which will be used for SSH).
Read MoreI am setting up a new repository machine for my code. I will be setting it up with Active Directory later on, but I figured my basic setup would be a good starting point for most people.
Read MoreI run into this all the time. I am typing too fast when I push code to my remote repository and I make a typo that creates a new branch in my remote repository.
Read MoreThis is a relatively common thing that I have to explain to clients.
It is often difficult to walk someone through changing their hosts file on a Mac, so I figured I would share the way I do it.
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